RT’s ‘Cross Talk’ on the Ukrainian counter-offensive

Last night I published my thoughts on how the delivery of long range cruise missiles to Ukraine by Britain risks escalating the conflict. The outcome in Ukraine may now depend less on the success or failure of Ukrainian forces on the field of battle and more on the outcome of a looming Russia-UK war.

This insight did not come to me on its own. It was prompted by the direction that open discussion took in yesterday afternoon’s taping of the ‘Cross Talk’ program on RT moderated by Peter Lavelle. The pressures of thinking on your feet in this kind of talk show can sharpen and accelerate thought processes, at least as much as the preparation for going ‘on air’ forces you to read more widely and deeply than you otherwise would.

So, whatever the value of these programs for viewers, and I hope it is considerable,  I find that they are of great value to the participants.

The links to yesterday’s show are given below.  Due to technical problems, my appearance on the program begins in the second half.

Odysee https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/crosstalk-what-counteroffensive:6

RT https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/576118-ukraine-counteroffensive-territory-nato/

Translations below into German (Andeas Mylaeus) French (Youri) and Spanish (Hugo Guido)

RT’s ‘Cross Talk’ über die ukrainische Gegenoffensive

Gestern Abend habe ich meine Überlegungen dazu veröffentlicht, wie die Lieferung von Langstrecken-Marschflugkörpern durch Großbritannien an die Ukraine den Konflikt eskalieren lässt. Der Ausgang des Konflikts in der Ukraine könnte nun weniger vom Erfolg oder Misserfolg der ukrainischen Streitkräfte auf dem Schlachtfeld abhängen als vielmehr vom Ausgang eines drohenden Krieges zwischen Russland und Großbritannien.

Diese Einsicht kam mir nicht von selbst. Sie wurde durch die offene Diskussion ausgelöst, die gestern Nachmittag in der von Peter Lavelle moderierten Sendung “Cross Talk” auf RT stattfand. Der Druck, in einer solchen Talkshow mitdenken zu müssen, kann die Denkprozesse schärfen und beschleunigen, mindestens so sehr wie die Vorbereitung auf die Sendung einen dazu zwingt, mehr und tiefer zu lesen, als man es sonst tun würde.

Was auch immer der Wert dieser Sendungen für die Zuschauer sein mag, und ich hoffe, er ist beträchtlich, ich finde, dass sie für die Teilnehmer von großem Wert sind.

Die Links zur gestrigen Sendung finden Sie unten. Aufgrund technischer Probleme beginnt mein Auftritt in der Sendung erst in der zweiten Hälfte.

« Cross Talk » de RT sur la contre-offensive ukrainienne

Hier soir, j’ai publié mes réflexions sur la façon dont la livraison de missiles de croisière à longue portée à l’Ukraine par la Grande-Bretagne risque d’aggraver le conflit. L’issue du conflit en Ukraine pourrait désormais dépendre moins du succès ou de l’échec des forces ukrainiennes sur le champ de bataille que du résultat d’une guerre imminente entre la Russie et le Royaume-Uni.

Cette idée ne m’est pas venue d’elle-même. Elle m’a été suggérée par l’orientation qu’a prise la discussion ouverte lors de l’enregistrement, hier après-midi, de l’émission « Cross Talk » sur RT, animée par Peter Lavelle. La tension de la réflexion dans ce genre d’émission peut aiguiser et accélérer les processus de pensée, au moins autant que la préparation du passage à l’antenne vous oblige à lire plus largement et plus profondément que vous ne le feriez autrement.

Ainsi, quelle que soit l’utilité de ces programmes pour les téléspectateurs, et j’espère qu’elle est considérable, je trouve qu’ils sont d’une grande valeur pour les participants.

Les liens vers l’émission d’hier sont indiqués ci-dessous. En raison de problèmes techniques, mon intervention dans l’émission commence dans la seconde moitié.

La ‘charla cruzada’ de RT sobre la contraofensiva ucraniana

Anoche publiqué mis pensamientos sobre cómo la entrega de misiles crucero de largo alcance a Ucrania por parte de Gran Bretaña corre el riesgo de escalar el conflicto. El resultado en Ucrania ahora puede depender menos del éxito o fracaso de las fuerzas ucranianas en el campo de batalla y más del resultado de una inminente guerra entre Rusia y el Reino Unido.

Esta idea no vino a mí por sí sola. Fue motivada por la dirección que tomó la discusión abierta en la grabación ayer por la tarde del programa ‘Cross Talk’ en RT moderado por Peter Lavelle. Las presiones de pensar sagazmente en este tipo de programa de entrevistas pueden agudizar y acelerar los procesos de pensamiento, al menos tanto como la preparación para salir “al aire” te obliga a leer más amplia y profundamente de lo que lo harías de otra manera.

Entonces, cualquiera que sea el valor de estos programas para los espectadores, y espero que sea considerable, encuentro que son de gran valor para los participantes.

Los enlaces al programa de ayer se dan a continuación. Debido a problemas técnicos, mi aparición en el programa comienza en la segunda mitad.

Odysee https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/crosstalk-what-counteroffensive:6

RT https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/576118-ukraine-counteroffensive-territory-nato/

13 thoughts on “RT’s ‘Cross Talk’ on the Ukrainian counter-offensive

  1. Methinks that both you and Andrey are right about the impact of the British cruise missiles given to the Ukrainians. His perspective is military, or the means of waging war. He may be right that few airplanes would manage to successfully hit a significant target when the Ukrainian skies are controlled by Russia. However, as you pointed out in your previous article, the political repercussions of such an attack are beyond the scope of the military. It would come down to Putin to attend to the likely roar by shocked civilians demanding retribution to both the Ukrainians and their enablers.


    1. Andrei is a bloody very comfortable Yank! Any overstating of Russian position could very well result in seizure of assets,bank accounts etc. Gilbert even though a Yank has extensive assets in countries not totally controlled by the US. My point is Andrei has everything to lose – Gilbert not so much. The Russian defence of Sevastopol is sacred! The battle for this city in WW11 was one of the largest in world history – The Germans fired more artillery per minute than any other conflict they had. They deployed the largest cannon ever made etc. Von Manstein was given top priority – Russian losses were immense 4 million plus over the battle for it – yet the West has fantasy that the Russians will not sacrifice Everything for Sevastopol?
      Gilbert is totally 100% correct


  2. Thank you for this informative podcast. The root of all this evil seems to be the bankers of the City of London and Wall St along with a secret cabal of extremely wealthy murderous and evil people and their compliant politicians. George Orwell was drawing on his own personal experiences when he wrote his book 1984. He did his best to draw our attention to the dangers ahead. When asked how he saw humanity’s future he replied “think of a human face with a boot on it forever”. Hopefully the work you are doing with like minded people will help us and our children avoid such a horrible situation. It’s quite clear now we must take back our democracies and end these evil wars or they will end us. We can and must do what we can, no matter how small it may seem.


  3. In appreciation of your fine work keeping us non-Russian speakers aware of how Russians of all walks of life feel about their country’s present circumstances.

    Perfidious Albion’s Precarious Performance
    (after the sonnet style of Alexander Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin)

    Anglo-Saxons up the ante,
    long range missiles to Kiev.
    Thought before-hand rather scanty.
    Hear War’s angry engine rev.
    British do the U.S. bidding.
    Honest Injun. I’m not kidding.
    Haven’t won since World War Two.
    Gunga Din will have to do.
    Still upon occasion handy,
    proxy vassals have their use.
    Authors of their own abuse,
    begging for “protection” candy:
    “U.S. in!” (on cue they shout),
    “Germans down and Russians out!”

    Michael Murry, “The Misfortune Teller,” Copyright © 2023


  4. Yes, indeed, Germany, France and the UK in particular have imposed wartime censorship though technically speaking they are not nations at war. The purpose: not only to ensure that domestic propqganda on all aspects of the Ukraine-Russia conflict goes unchallenged, but to cripple political forces opposed to their increasingly autocratic (read: undemocratic) rule


    1. Gilbert your debate would have been great at the very start of CrossTalk. Sadly Andrei is always correct and is some military genius is Bogus! I trust your analysis to a far greater extent. Putin at the very start of SMO/ how about War! should have challenged every red line NATO through up, this pansy approach to Nato is a tragic mistake. I think the Junk carrier the UK has and if carefully tracked UK Nuclear subs should be taken out simultaneously. UK has escalated and prolonged this war so far without consequence. Time to show Biden?Sullivan/Nuland etc this contest is real. I should add appropriate assassinations of various US Senators etc who constantly call for the murder of Putin and other Russian officials. I should add this should happen in a 2 hour period – the art of War.
      I used to regularly wargame / design against many of these idiots and slaughter them – NATO requires a long tongue prepared to go anywhere not military genius


  5. So far Ukraine has lost 4 SU24s, 2 Mig-29s in order to get three UK cruise missiles on target. One hit an empty building on a Russian airfied, the other two hit a meat processing plant and a neighbouring factory that produced plastic packaging for the processed meat as well as damaging residential housing and wounding 2 adults and sic children. Hardly a good return for the losses and costs incurred, but certainly not a game changer by any means.


  6. In the light of the losses of this missile – 8 shot down out of 11 launched, plus the additional launch aircraft shot down, are you going to publish a retaction and apology for your innacurate and misleading ‘game changer’article.


  7. I apologize for nothing. I report how things look going forward. The ‘game changer’ evaluation of the British missiles was based on one specific consideration: what would or will happen if one or several of these missiles land in Crimea and cause tens or hundreds of civilian casualties. That may still occur. The British missile, as I understand, carries 500 kg of explosives, which is massively more destructive than anything in the Ukrainian armory till now. The war has intensified enormously in the past week or so. Because so little information comes out of Ukrainian and Russian official sources, it is at present impossible to trace cause and effect, tit and tat. The Ukrainians hit Bryansk region with the British cruise missile before the delivering planes were shot down. The Russians struck a major ammunition and heavy military equipment storage in Western Ukraine, after which both locally and in Poland there were reports of a big spike in radioactivity, indicating that the Russians had successfully destroyed those depleted uranium artillery shells worth perhaps 500 million coming from the UK. The Russians say they destroyed one American Patriot system in Kiev. But timelines here would be very, very helpful to understand exactly what is going on.


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