Freedom of speech in the U.S.A.? Think again!

In various essays over the past year, I have said time and again that in the United States citizens enjoy vastly more freedom of expression than in Europe, where I am living. The reason is found in the healthy split of voters between Trumpites and dyed in the wool Democrats, close to 50-50 among those who are politically active and will vote. Meanwhile Europe celebrates its “solidarity,” as I noted yesterday, and has zero tolerance for those who do not agree with their governments’ foreign and other policies.

Yesterday’s events at an airport in the USA shattered those illusions about American freedoms.

First there was the news that Scott Ritter, a former U.S. military intelligence officer, was pulled off his plane which, with further flight connections would have taken him to St Petersburg, Russia where he was designated as a high level invited guest and would speak at the International Economic Forum that opens tomorrow. Upon being removed from the plane, his documents were taken from him. He was eventually released but his U.S. passport was kept by officials. Clearly Scott is not headed anywhere for some time.

For those of you who have not been paying close attention to the U.S. “dissident movement,” allow me to explain that Scott Ritter has been a very active and widely listened to critic of American foreign policy, particularly as it relates to Russia and the Ukraine war. The weight of his messaging has been reinforced by his having been an insider and implementer of U.S. policies a couple of decades ago. Scott was one of the few U.S. inspectors of Iraq’s alleged programs of weapons of mass destruction. When snippets from his interviews are aired by Russian state television, they never fail to remind audiences of his past in U.S. intelligence. Following his visit to Russia a year ago to promote a book he had just published, Scott became especially warm to the Putin ‘regime,’ as they would say in Washington.

My first reaction upon hearing about this blatantly political act by the Biden Administration to knee-cap its critics and stifle free speech, was to look for an explanation in Ritter’s past military service. This viciousness of powers-that-be against one of their own sounded like what happened in Canada in the year before the onset of Covid to a very widely read and authoritative blogger, Patrick Armstrong. He was a former diplomat and had served in the Canadian embassy in Russia. Armstrong was visited by  Justin Trudeau’s storm troopers who advised him to close his blog lest he lose not only his state pension but all of his savings.  Patrick understood where things stood and fell silent.

However, the follow-up news on the Yandex-Dzen website regarding events in Scott Ritter’s plane yesterday is still more damaging to my vision of free speech in the U.S.A. at present. One other passenger was taken off the plane by U.S. government officials to prevent his appearing at the St Petersburg Economic Forum: Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Judge Napolitano is the moderator of the very widely watched interview program “Judging Freedom” which is disseminated on youtube as well as on the main social media. He is a very responsible and informative critic of U.S. foreign policy, as are his regular guests. He is at the higher level of intellectual discourse a peer to the journalist Tucker Carlson who caters to the hoi polloi. He also is known for defending Donald Trump’s positions on a variety of issues.

The deprivation of travel rights served on Judge Napolitano is a gross infringement of freedom of speech that the Biden administration cannot live down. All talk from the Oval Office of defending American democracy is shown through actions like these to be crass lies and utter hypocrisy.

It is a long way to the November elections, but hopefully American voters will ‘throw the bums out’ and save what is left of freedom of speech.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024

Translation below into German (Andreas Mylaeus)

Redefreiheit in den Vereinigten Staaten? Denk nochmal nach!

In verschiedenen Aufsätzen habe ich im vergangenen Jahr immer wieder darauf hingewiesen, dass die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in den Vereinigten Staaten weitaus mehr Meinungsfreiheit genießen als in Europa, wo ich lebe. Der Grund dafür liegt in der gesunden Aufteilung der Wählerschaft zwischen Trump-Anhängern und eingefleischten Demokraten, die bei den politisch Aktiven und Wählern fast 50:50 beträgt. Währenddessen zelebriert Europa seine „Solidarität“, wie ich gestern feststellte, und hat null Toleranz für diejenigen, die mit der Außen- und sonstigen Politik ihrer Regierungen nicht einverstanden sind.

Die gestrigen Ereignisse auf einem Flughafen in den USA haben diese Illusionen über die amerikanischen Freiheiten erschüttert.

Zunächst wurde bekannt, dass Scott Ritter, ein ehemaliger Offizier des US-Militärgeheimdienstes, aus seinem Flugzeug geholt wurde, das ihn mit weiteren Flugverbindungen nach St. Petersburg, Russland, gebracht hätte, wo er als hochrangiger Gast eingeladen war und auf dem morgen beginnenden Internationalen Wirtschaftsforum sprechen sollte. Als er aus dem Flugzeug geholt wurde, wurden ihm seine Dokumente abgenommen. Er wurde schließlich freigelassen, aber sein amerikanischer Pass wurde von den Beamten einbehalten. Es ist klar, dass Scott für einige Zeit nirgendwo hingehen wird.

Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die die „Dissidentenbewegung“ in den USA nicht so aufmerksam verfolgt haben, möchte ich erklären, dass Scott Ritter ein sehr aktiver und viel beachteter Kritiker der amerikanischen Außenpolitik ist, insbesondere in Bezug auf Russland und den Ukraine-Krieg. Das Gewicht seiner Botschaften wurde dadurch verstärkt, dass er vor einigen Jahrzehnten ein Insider und Umsetzer der damaligen US-Politik war. Scott war einer der wenigen US-Inspektoren für die angeblichen Massenvernichtungswaffenprogramme des Irak. Wenn Ausschnitte aus seinen Interviews vom russischen Staatsfernsehen ausgestrahlt werden, erinnern sie immer wieder an seine Vergangenheit im US-Geheimdienst. Nach seinem Besuch in Russland vor einem Jahr, bei dem er für ein gerade veröffentlichtes Buch warb, hat sich Scott besonders für das Putin-‘Regime’, wie man in Washington sagen würde, erwärmt.

Meine erste Reaktion, als ich von diesem offenkundig politischen Akt der Biden-Regierung hörte, mit dem sie ihre Kritiker in die Knie zwingen und die freie Meinungsäußerung unterdrücken will, war, eine Erklärung in Ritters früherem Militärdienst zu suchen. Diese Bösartigkeit der Machthaber gegen einen der ihren klang wie das, was in Kanada im Jahr vor dem Ausbruch des Covid einem sehr viel gelesenen und maßgeblichen Blogger, Patrick Armstrong, widerfuhr. Er war ein ehemaliger Diplomat und hatte in der kanadischen Botschaft in Russland gedient. Armstrong erhielt Besuch von Justin Trudeaus Sturmtruppen, die ihm rieten, seinen Blog zu schließen, da er sonst nicht nur seine staatliche Rente, sondern auch seine gesamten Ersparnisse verlieren würde. Patrick verstand, worum es ging, und verstummte.

Die nachfolgenden Nachrichten auf der Yandex-Dzen-Website über die gestrigen Ereignisse in Scott Ritters Flugzeug sind jedoch noch schädlicher für meine derzeitige Vorstellung von der Redefreiheit in den USA. Ein weiterer Passagier wurde von US-Regierungsbeamten aus dem Flugzeug geholt, um sein Erscheinen auf dem Wirtschaftsforum in St. Petersburg zu verhindern: Richter Andrew Napolitano.

Richter Napolitano ist der Moderator der viel beachteten Interview-Sendung „Judging Freedom“, die sowohl auf YouTube als auch in den wichtigsten sozialen Medien verbreitet wird. Er ist ein sehr verantwortungsvoller und informativer Kritiker der US-Außenpolitik, ebenso wie seine regelmäßigen Gäste. Er ist ein Mitstreiter des Journalisten Tucker Carlson, allerdings auf einem höheren Niveau des intellektuellen Diskurses als Carlson, der sich an das einfache Volk wendet. Er ist auch dafür bekannt, dass er Donald Trumps Positionen zu einer Vielzahl von Themen verteidigt.

Der Entzug von Richter Napolitanos Recht zu reisen ist ein grober Verstoß gegen die Redefreiheit, die die Regierung Biden nicht hinnehmen will. All das Gerede aus dem Oval Office über die Verteidigung der amerikanischen Demokratie erweist sich durch Aktionen wie diese als eklatante Lüge und völlige Heuchelei.

Bis zu den Wahlen im November ist es noch ein weiter Weg, aber hoffentlich werden die amerikanischen Wähler „die Penner rauswerfen“ und das retten, was von der Meinungsfreiheit noch übrig ist.

10 thoughts on “Freedom of speech in the U.S.A.? Think again!

  1. Correct. I have seen more examples of “infringements” of the freedom of speech. Illan Pape, is a very vocal jewish critic of the zionists in Israel. He flew from England (where he lives) to Detroit and was detained / interrogated there for (over) 2 hours. (Google it).

    Is the “No Fly” list in the US still active ? During the G.W. Bush there was a list which – at the very end – contained more than one million names who weren’t allowed to fly in the US. I know that there were people who were critical about G.W. Bush and as “a reward” these people were placed on that “No Fly” list. Some were mere college professors and not “terrorists”.

    I once wrote a comment about the long term objectives of the US (think; Russia, Iran and China). This kind of comments were not appreciated and when I visited that one webpage again, I couldn’t find my comment again. It was removed.

    it seems the current administration is not too happy about the fact that the US, UK, NATO and the EU were the forces behind the war in the Ukraine and that these 4 entities started and are about to lose this war.

    Some say that the US is desparate to keep this war going until the elections have passed by.

    Poor Scott Ritter and Andrew Napolitano. It’s a sad state of affairs.

    About NATO: the most important country in NATO is the US. So, if/when the US goes “belly up” on day X then NATO will be “toast” on day X+1.


    1. Disagree.

      The Biden administration simply won’t (yet) admit the Ukraine war has been lost by the Ukraine, US, UK, NATO an the EU. Too embarassing for Biden et. al. And even when they admit it at all then I assume that they will try to postpone that admission to after the november elections.

      In that regard it wll be interesting to see whether or not Russia will win this war before november of this year. My bet is that Ukraine will admit defeat before november 2024 and ask for a cease fire and ask to start negotiations with Russia. But then the Ukraine has to be given the green light from the “good folks” in Washington DC.

      Am I wrong or am I right ? Only time will tell.

      As John Mearsheimer has said the US is involved in 3 war theaters: Ukraine, Middle East and the Far East. Too many conflicts to be managed well by the US, even for the US. But there is till way too much hubris floating around in that river called Potomac. If possible DC will deny everything as long as possible.


  2. I have become quite cynical about the “freedoms” we Americans supposedly have which have been taken away. Yet, I was still shocked at what they did to Ritter. Freedom of speech really is dead here in the U.S.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Please check your sources. Judge Napolitano never even went to the airport due to news he received before leaving home that was not related to his trip to Russia. This is according to the Judge himself.


  4. <

    div dir=”ltr”>Your anecdote about the Canadian gentleman who was warned about losing his savings if he didn’t shut his blog implies the Canadian govt was prepared to seize his accounts, and their assets. This seems to be a developing tactic to control speech -as your post notes. This also seems to be a good reas


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