What is Ukraine doing in the town of Shebekino, Belgorod oblast and what consequences may we expect?

Possible evolution of the conflict to total destruction of Kharkov and annihilation of the Kiev regime

Allow me to draw the attention of readers to the ongoing Ukrainian artillery attack on the border city of Shebekino in the RF oblast of Belgorod.  This is not the sporadic shelling that the city of Donetsk has undergone over the course of years from fortified positions of the Ukrainian army that were put in place since 2014.  No, it is an assault measured in hundreds of artillery shells during the past 24 hours as well as attempted armed incursions of Ukrainian fighters across the border. Several hundred residences and apartment buildings in Shebekino have been damaged or destroyed in the past several days. 

Children have now been evacuated to further points in the oblast and in neighboring Voronezh oblast if not further still, where they are being put up in summer camp facilities.  Adults are now being moved out as well from the entire border region of which the town of Shebekino, with its population of 39,000 is a part. Those who can are leaving in their own vehicles. Others are being moved by emergency workers.

The intensity of the attack on Shebekino is made possible by its proximity to the Kharkov oblast of Ukraine, which is under Kiev’s control. And that is front and center in the thinking of Russian decision makers as they consider what to do next.  This is the territory that Kiev retook in its famous offensive of September 2022.

The widely watched host of Sixty Minutes, Olga Skabeyeva, this afternoon on live television called for notifying residents of Kharkov to leave their homes and not look back, because Russian forces will flatten the city and its surroundings to the ground.  Meanwhile experts on the same program are repeating the call by Dmitry Medvedev yesterday for the annihilation of the “terrorist government” in Kiev.

Let there be no confusion here. The Ukrainian attack on Shebekino, a purely civilian town with no military value whatsoever, IS the long awaited Ukrainian “counter offensive.”  It is the action of a spent military force which cannot engage the Russian armed forces on the field of battle.  Evidence on Russian television suggests that day by day their advance west from newly conquered Bakhmut/Artyomovsk is proceeding relentlessly. The entire line in Donbas is pushing back the Ukrainian forces, which have not brought into play their much touted Western tanks and other top supplies, since they would be destroyed for lack of air cover and for lack of the munitions that the Russians have been systematically eliminating through missile strikes on weapons caches over the past several weeks.

Meanwhile, the Russian Talking Heads are paying close attention to President Biden’s fall on the podium yesterday during an awards event. They find it utterly shocking that this senile creature called Joe holds the fate of the world in his unsteady hands.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023

Translation into German (Andreas Mylaeus), French (Youri), Spanish (Hugo Guido) and Brazilian Portuguese (Evandro Menezes)

Was tut die Ukraine in der Stadt Shebekino, Oblast Belgorod, und welche Konsequenzen sind zu erwarten?

Mögliche Entwicklung des Konflikts bis zur völligen Zerstörung Kharkovs und der Vernichtung des Kiewer Regimes

Gestatten Sie mir, die Aufmerksamkeit der Leser auf den anhaltenden ukrainischen Artillerieangriff auf die Grenzstadt Shebekino in der Oblast Belgorod zu lenken. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um den sporadischen Beschuss, dem die Stadt Donezk im Laufe der Jahre von befestigten Stellungen der ukrainischen Armee, die seit 2014 eingerichtet wurden, ausgesetzt war. Nein, es handelt sich um einen Angriff, der in den letzten 24 Stunden mit Hunderten von Artilleriegranaten und versuchten bewaffneten Übergriffen ukrainischer Kämpfer über die Grenze erfolgte. In den vergangenen Tagen wurden mehrere hundert Wohnhäuser und Wohnanlagen in Shebekino beschädigt oder zerstört.

Die Kinder wurden inzwischen an andere Orte in der Oblast und in der benachbarten Oblast Woronesch oder sogar noch weiter evakuiert, wo sie in Sommerlagern untergebracht sind. Auch die Erwachsenen werden nun aus der gesamten Grenzregion, zu der auch die 39.000 Einwohner zählende Stadt Shebekino gehört, evakuiert. Diejenigen, die dazu in der Lage sind, reisen in ihren eigenen Fahrzeugen ab. Andere werden von Rettungskräften transportiert.

Die Intensität des Angriffs auf Shebekino wird durch die Nähe zur ukrainischen Oblast Charkow ermöglicht, die unter der Kontrolle Kiews steht. Und das steht im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen der russischen Entscheidungsträger, wenn sie sich überlegen, was sie als nächstes tun wollen. Dies ist das Gebiet, das Kiew in seiner berühmten Offensive im September 2022 zurückerobert hat.

Die viel beachtete Moderatorin von Sechzig Minuten, Olga Skabeyeva, rief heute Nachmittag live im Fernsehen dazu auf, die Bewohner von Charkow zu benachrichtigen, ihre Häuser zu verlassen und nicht zurückzuschauen, da die russischen Streitkräfte die Stadt und ihre Umgebung dem Erdboden gleichmachen werden. Unterdessen wiederholen Experten in derselben Sendung den gestrigen Aufruf von Dmitri Medwedew zur Vernichtung der “Terroristenregierung” in Kiew.

Wir wollen hier keine Missverständnisse aufkommen lassen. Der ukrainische Angriff auf Shebekino, eine rein zivile Stadt ohne jeglichen militärischen Wert, IST die lang erwartete ukrainische “Gegenoffensive”. Es ist die Aktion einer verbrauchten Streitmacht, die die russischen Streitkräfte nicht auf dem Schlachtfeld angreifen kann. Aus dem russischen Fernsehen ist zu entnehmen, dass ihr der Vormarsch von dem gerade eroberten Bakhmut/Artyomovsk nach Westen Tag für Tag unaufhaltsam voranschreitet. Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte werden auf ganzer Linie im Donbass zurückgedrängt, ohne dass sie ihre viel gepriesenen westlichen Panzer und andere Spitzenausrüstungen ins Spiel bringen, da diese mangels Luftunterstützung und Munition, die die Russen in den letzten Wochen systematisch durch Raketenangriffe auf Waffenlager vernichtet haben, zerstört würden.

Unterdessen verfolgen die russischen Sprachrohre aufmerksam den gestrigen Sturz von Präsident Biden auf dem Podium während einer Preisverleihung. Sie finden es absolut schockierend, dass diese senile Kreatur namens Joe das Schicksal der Welt in seinen wackeligen Händen hält.

Que fait l’Ukraine dans la ville de Chebekino, dans l’oblast de Belgorod, et quelles sont les conséquences auxquelles nous pouvons nous attendre ?

Evolution possible du conflit vers la destruction totale de Kherson et l’anéantissement du régime de Kiev

Permettez-moi d’attirer l’attention des lecteurs sur l’attaque d’artillerie ukrainienne en cours sur la ville frontalière de Chebekino dans l’oblast de Belgorod de la Fédération de Russie.  Il ne s’agit pas du pilonnage sporadique que la ville de Donetsk a subi au fil des ans depuis les positions fortifiées de l’armée ukrainienne mises en place depuis 2014.  Non, il s’agit d’un assaut mesuré en centaines d’obus d’artillerie au cours des dernières 24 heures, ainsi que de tentatives d’incursions armées de combattants ukrainiens à travers la frontière. Plusieurs centaines de résidences et d’immeubles à Chebekino ont été endommagés ou détruits au cours des derniers jours.

Les enfants ont été évacués vers d’autres parties de l’oblast et de l’oblast voisin de Voronezh, voire plus loin encore, où ils sont hébergés dans des camps d’été. Les adultes sont également évacués de toute la région frontalière dont fait partie la ville de Chebekino, qui compte 39 000 habitants. Ceux qui le peuvent partent dans leurs propres véhicules. Les autres sont transportés par des secouristes.

L’intensité de l’attaque contre Chebekino est rendue possible par sa proximité avec l’oblast ukrainien de Kharkov, qui est sous le contrôle de Kiev. Cette proximité est au cœur des préoccupations des décideurs russes, qui réfléchissent à la suite des événements. Il s’agit du territoire que Kiev a repris lors de sa célèbre offensive de septembre 2022.

Olga Skabeyeva, présentatrice de l’émission Sixty Minutes, a appelé cet après-midi en direct à la télévision les habitants de Kharkov à quitter leur maison sans se retourner, car les forces russes vont raser la ville et ses environs. Pendant ce temps, des experts de la même émission répètent l’appel lancé hier par Dmitri Medvedev visant à l’anéantissement du « gouvernement terroriste » de Kiev.

Qu’il n’y ait pas de confusion ici. L’attaque ukrainienne sur Chebekino, ville purement civile sans aucune valeur militaire, EST la « contre-offensive » ukrainienne tant attendue. C’est l’action d’une force militaire épuisée qui ne peut affronter les forces armées russes sur le champ de bataille. Les images diffusées par la télévision russe suggèrent que, jour après jour, leur avancée vers l’ouest à partir de Bakhmut/Artyomovsk, nouvellement conquise, se poursuit sans relâche. Toute la ligne du Donbass repousse les forces ukrainiennes, qui n’ont pas fait entrer en jeu leurs chars occidentaux tant vantés et d’autres matériels de pointe, car ils seraient détruits faute de couverture aérienne et de munitions que les Russes ont systématiquement éliminées par des frappes de missiles sur les caches d’armes au cours des dernières semaines.

Pendant ce temps, les experts russes s’intéressent de près à la chute du président Biden sur le podium, hier, lors d’une cérémonie de remise de prix. Ils trouvent tout à fait choquant que cette créature sénile appelée Joe tienne le destin du monde entre ses mains vacillantes.

¿Qué está haciendo Ucrania en la ciudad de Shebekino, provincia de Belgorod y qué consecuencias podemos esperar?

Posible escalada del conflicto a la destrucción total de Kharkov y la aniquilación del régimen de Kiev

Permítanme llamar la atención de los lectores sobre el ataque en curso de la artillería ucraniana contra la ciudad fronteriza de Shebekino en la provincia de Belgorod. Este no es el bombardeo esporádico que la ciudad de Donetsk ha sufrido a lo largo de los años desde posiciones fortificadas del ejército ucraniano que se pusieron en marcha desde 2014. No, este es un asalto medido en cientos de proyectiles de artillería durante las últimas 24 horas, así como intentos de incursiones armadas de combatientes ucranianos a través de la frontera. Varios cientos de residencias y edificios de apartamentos en Shebekino han sido dañados o destruidos en los últimos días.

Los niños han sido evacuados a otros puntos de la provincia y a la vecina provincia de Vorónezh, si no aún más lejos, donde están siendo alojados en campamentos de verano. Ahora también los adultos están siendo trasladados de toda la región fronteriza de la que forma parte la ciudad de Shebekino, con su población de 39.000 habitantes. Los que pueden se van en sus propios vehículos. Otros están siendo trasladados por trabajadores de emergencia.

La intensidad del ataque a Shebekino es posible gracias a su proximidad a la provincia de Kharkov en Ucrania, que está bajo el control de Kiev. Y eso está en el centro del pensamiento de los tomadores de decisiones rusos cuando consideran qué hacer a continuación. Este es el territorio que Kiev retomó en su famosa ofensiva de septiembre de 2022.

La presentadora ampliamente vista de Sixty Minutes, Olga Skabeyeva, esta tarde en televisión en vivo pidió notificar a los residentes de Kharkov que abandonen sus hogares y no miren hacia atrás, porque las fuerzas rusas arrasarán la ciudad y sus alrededores hasta dejarla en escombros. Mientras tanto, los expertos en el mismo programa están repitiendo el llamado de ayer de Dmitry Medvedev para la aniquilación del “gobierno terrorista” de Kiev.

Que no haya confusión aquí. El ataque ucraniano a Shebekino, una ciudad puramente civil sin valor militar alguno, es la tan esperada “contraofensiva” ucraniana. Es la acción de una fuerza militar gastada que no puede enfrentar a las fuerzas armadas rusas en el campo de batalla. La evidencia en la televisión rusa sugiere que día a día su avance hacia el oeste desde la recién conquistada Bakhmut / Artyomovsk avanza implacablemente. Toda la línea en Donbas está haciendo retroceder a las fuerzas ucranianas, que no han puesto en juego sus tan promocionados tanques occidentales y otros suministros superiores, ya que serían destruidos por falta de cobertura aérea y por falta de las municiones que los rusos han estado eliminando sistemáticamente a través de ataques con misiles contra escondites de armas en las últimas semanas.

Mientras tanto, las Cabezas Parlantes rusas están prestando mucha atención a la caída del presidente Biden en el podio ayer durante un evento de premiación. Les resulta absolutamente impactante que esta criatura senil llamada Joe tenga el destino del mundo en sus manos inestables.

O que a Ucrânia está fazendo na cidade de Shebekino, na província de Belgorod e que consequências se podem esperar?

Possível evolução do conflito às totais destruição de Carcóvia e aniquilação do regime de Kiev

Permitam-me chamar a atenção dos leitores para o ataque de artilharia ucraniana em andamento à cidade fronteiriça de Shebekino, na província russa de Belgorod. Este não é o bombardeio esporádico que a cidade de Donetsk sofreu ao longo dos anos a partir de posições fortificadas do exército ucraniano, que foram instaladas desde 2014. Não, é um ataque medido em centenas de projéteis de artilharia nas últimas 24 horas, bem como tentativas de incursões armadas de combatentes ucranianos através da fronteira. Várias centenas de residências e prédios de apartamentos em Shebekino foram danificados ou destruídos nos últimos dias.

As crianças já foram evacuadas para outros lugares na província e para a província vizinha de Voronej, se não mais longe ainda, onde estão sendo alojadas em instalações de acampamentos de verão. Os adultos também estão sendo removidos de toda a região fronteiriça da qual faz parte a cidade de Shebekino, com sua população de 39.000 habitantes. Os que puderem estão saindo em seus próprios veículos. Outros estão sendo removidos por equipes de emergência.

A intensidade do ataque a Shebekino é possível devido à sua proximidade com a província de Carcóvia, na Ucrânia, que está sob o controle de Kiev. E isso está no centro das atenções dos líderes russos ao considerarem o que se fazer em seguida. Este é o território que Kiev retomou em sua famosa ofensiva de setembro de 2022.

A apresentadora, amplamente assistida, do Sessenta Minutos, Olga Skabeyeva, pediu esta tarde, ao vivo na televisão, que se notificassem os residentes da cidade de Carcóvia para deixarem suas casas e não olharem para trás, porque as forças russas irão arrasar a cidade e seus arredores. Enquanto isto, especialistas no mesmo programa estão repetindo o apelo de Dmitry Medvedev de ontem para a aniquilação do “governo terrorista” em Kiev.

Que não haja confusão aqui. O ataque ucraniano a Shebekino, uma cidade puramente civil sem qualquer valor militar, é a tão esperada “contra-ofensiva” ucraniana. É a ação de uma força militar esgotada que não pode enfrentar as forças armadas russas no campo de batalha. Evidências na televisão russa sugerem que, dia após dia, seu avanço para o oeste, a partir da recém-conquistada Bakhmut, ou Artyomovsk, está avançando implacavelmente. Toda a linha no Donbas está empurrando para trás as forças ucranianas, que não colocaram em jogo seus tão alardeados tanques ocidentais e outros suprimentos de primeira linha, pois seriam destruídos por falta de cobertura aérea e por falta das munições que os russos têm sistematicamente eliminado por meio de ataques de mísseis a esconderijos de armas nas últimas semanas.

Enquanto isto, os comentaristas russos estão prestando muita atenção à queda do presidente Biden no pódio ontem, durante um evento de premiação. Eles acham absolutamente chocante que esta criatura senil chamada Joe tenha o destino do mundo em suas mãos instáveis.

18 thoughts on “What is Ukraine doing in the town of Shebekino, Belgorod oblast and what consequences may we expect?

  1. They launched the attack from Kharkov Oblast not Kherson Oblast. Kherson Oblast is in the south. Aside from that great article. Thanks for all your hard work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are some extremely broad claims – especially the part about Ukraine not being able to confront the Russians “on the battlefield”. I would be curious what impeccable sources there might be that you are relying on?


  3. There are no “impeccable sources.” Your request is unreasonable. And what are the ‘impeccable sources” of the ubiquitous claims in Western media that the Ukrianians are winning? The BBC, Euronews, The Financial Times have all degenerated into disseminators of the state propaganda of their respective governments. You have to keep your eyes open to contradictions in their reporting, of which there are a great many and do your own triangulation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. so what you are saying is the fact that ukraine is on russia territory is proof ukraine is losing.


      1. that is not what I am saying. the Ukrainian attacks in Belgorod oblast, entailing over the past 24 hours more than 600 artillery shells and Grad rockets onto residential areas, accompanied by special forces incursions across the border near Shebekino are a diversionary activity – but not in the usual sense, which would be to distract the attention of the Russian high command from a big push across the front lines. no, it is to distract Western public opinion from the fact that the Ukrainian army cannot muster a counter-offensive force of sufficient manpower and equipment to be effective. as we have seen in the past couple of days, localized Ukrainian attacks at the front line have been decimated, including by Russian air power.


  4. Yes the drone attacks on Russian regions, are undoubtedly a distraction from the absence of the “counter-attack”.But having attacked Russian territory several times it complicate the war and has made the Russian people even more united to secure their country from attack. This will mean taking more territory in order to secure Russian regions.
    The long awaited, often delayed Kiev counter-offensive points to the fact that Kiev is still not ready. An AP report published this weekend says Ukranians start a 12-week tank training course in Germany to expel Russian forces. Wasn’t this happening weeks ago? The trouble for Kiev and its UK/NATO backers is that they don’t have enough military equipment, whereas Russia has a plentiful supply as it has rampled up production due the threats from NATO and US years ago.

    There’s another problem which journalist Drago Bosnic has pointed out which is that Zelensky is very unpopular with Ukraine’s military. He refused to withdraw Ukraine soldiers from Bakhmut when they could not defend it any longer. Thousands of Ukraine soldiers died, and their military leaders wanted their withdrawal, but Zealensky wouldn’t allow it. Now they’ve lost their best soldiers and new inexperienced soldiers will be in the frontlines. All this misery caused by the criminal plotting and belligerence of the US and NATO allies – Kay


  5. It would be something if the hypocrisy stopped.
    Just as the USA supported Hitler for quite some time, well into WOII, with later on claiming it brought freedom to Europe (quite cynically with letting many American soldiers die for this).
    At this very moment, Russia is fighting NATO, no less. And NATO does not dare to declare this war: hypocrisy if there ever was.
    I think we are headed for a conflict lasting many years. If cool heads prevail, like that of President Putin, then a nuclear war may be avoided, still. But the stakes are high. There will come a moment when Russia has no choice left other than bomb some military base in Germany or Poland – and then either NATO will answer indignantly either with words or with missiles – that answer will determine our chances of survival in the whole of the West. In the worst case, there will no one be left to write the history. During the Vietnam War, there was a Belgian song writer, Boudewijn de Groot, who had this song “good night Mr President” (Welterusten meneer President)- we could repeat this song for all our politicians: may nightmares be yours forever.


  6. It certainly is a nightmare, but few in the west are aware, due to huge misformation about Russia, and the western “superiority” complex, much like Hitler’s supremacist complex. The war against Russia using Ukraine continues.
    Russia’s Defence Ministry reports June 5 that Ukraine’s military failed to achieve success in a large-scale attack in south Donetsk, due to Russia’s skilled response. Ukraine lost 250 soldiers, 16 tanks, 21 combat armoured vehicles. etc But the Washington Post says Ukrainian soldiers trained by NATO and armed with western weapons will serve as “tip of the spear” in upcoming counter-offensive against Russian forces. Obviously the war continues.
    Meanwhile. the johnhelmer.org report on 21/5/2023 shows how it could very soon become catastrophic for all on Planet earth with NATO and America’s chronic blindness to danger, Helmer reports: “There’s grave risk in 3 weeks time that US and NATO forces will attempt direct combat with Russia” during NATO’s “Air Defender 23” exercises over 2 weeks, starting June 12.

    The plan is to strike from Romanian airspace in the south and the Baltic states in the north under NATO camouflage under cover of US F-16 fighter aircraft purportedly operated by Ukranian pilots, but fuelled, directed and guarded by more than 200 US and NATO aircraft, including the most advanced F-35 US air war fighter. According to NATO headquarters, this is the largest deployment exercise since NATO’s foundation. Commanded by US air bases in Germany, led by German officers, a “fact sheet” claims “100 US Air National Guard aircraft from 35 different states will make the leap across the Atlantic to participate in Air Defender 23 with aircraft and modern jets and airmen from 24 nations will practice warfare over Germany but also over eastern Europe,”
    This is deeply worrying, in the confusion of all this going on, nuclear annihilation is on the cards –


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